The three Little Pigs
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Jester Father Pig Mother Pig First Pig Second Pig Third Pig Big Bad Wolf First Man Second Man Third Man
Scene I
(На сцені стоїть будиночок. Мама пере білизну, батько читає газету, поросята граються.)
Jester: Many years ago, in the forest, lived a family of pigs: Father Pig, Mother Piggy-wiggy and three little piggies – three pretty sisters.
(На середину сцени виходить поросятко.)
First Pig: I am rosy and fat. I am not quick. It is not so bad to be a pig. I have no grief, I’m never sad. My name is Niff-Niff.
Remember that.
Jester: The three little pigs grew very large, but they did not help their parents about the house.
(Батько й мати сідають на стільці, зітхаючи.)
Father Pig: Children, children! Come here!
Mother Pig: You have grown too large to live in the small house.
Father Pig: We love you very much…
Mother Pig: Yes… But you must go and find some land to build a house for yourselves.
Father Pig: You must always be careful of the Big Bad Wolf.
First Pig: OK!
Second Pig: Don’t worry!
Third Pig: We’ll be very careful to stay away from the Big Bad Wolf.
Three Pigs: Good Bye, dear Mum and Dad!
Mother Pig and Father Pig: Bye, dear children!
(Поросятка йдуть зі сцени.)
Scene II
(Поросята йдуть лісом. Вони дуже налякані.)
Jester: The Three Little Pigs walked and walked.
First Pig: I am afraid of that strange noise.
Second Pig: Come on, nothing will happen with us.
Third Pig: I don’t think so. This forest is really strange.
First Pig: Look!
(На сцену виходить вовк. Лунає пісня.)
Second Pig: Who is it?
Third Pig: I don’t know, but he is so nice…
Big Bad Wolf: Hello, my dear pigges! I am very glad to see you.
(Вовк відвертається та облизується, потираючи живіт.)
First Pig: Hello! Who are you?
Big Bad Wolf: Oh, I am a Big Bad Wolf… R-r-r-r-r… Nice to meet you.
Third Pig: Sisters, let’s go.
Big Bad Wolf: Where are you going? I just want to eat…oops…introduce myself.
(Поросятка йдуть зі сцени.)
Big Bad Wolf: It’s always said that I am bad, but I am simply hungry.
( Вовк пожимає плечима та йде зі сцени.)
Scene III
Jester: Three Little Pigs were scared. They didn’t know what to do. Suddenly they saw a man who was carrying some straw.
(На сцені з’являється чоловік із сіном.)
First Pig: Good morning! Would you have any straw to spare as I would like to build a house
For myself.
First Man: Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough straw to build a sweet little house.
First Pig: Thank you very much!
First Man: Not at all. Good bye.
First Pig: Good Bye.
(Перший чоловік йде зі сцени.)
First Pig: Now The Big Bad Wolf will not catch me for his breakfast.
Jester: A Little Pig began to build a house.
(На сцені з’являється чоловік із гіллям.)
Second Pig: Hello! Please, would you give me some sticks so that I could build a house
For myself.
Second Man: Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough sticks to build a house.
Second Pig: How kind of you!
Second Man: Good Bye!
(Другий чоловік йде зі сцени.)
Second Pig: Now The Wolf cannot catch me for his lunch!
Jester: The Little Pig took his sticks and began to build his house.
(На сцені з’являється чоловік із цеглою.)
Third Pig: Good day! Please, would you give me some bricks to build the house?
Third Man: Yes, of course! I’ll give you enough bricks to build a strong house.
Third Pig: Thank you very much! Now The Wolf will not catch and eat me.
Jester: The Third Little Pig went away and build a house of bricks.
(Третій чоловік йде зі сцени.)
(Поросятка будують свої будиночки. Лунає пісня.)
Scene IV
(На сцену виходить вовк.)
Jester: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little house made of straw. He came and
Began to knock.
Big Bad Wolf: Little Pig! Little Pig! Open the door and let me in.
First Pig: Oh no! Go away, Mr. Wolf.
I will not open the door.
Big Bad Wolf: Open the door. Or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.
Jester: She did not let the wolf in. So, the Wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the house
Down. The First Little Pig ran away.
(Поросятко біжить зі сцени.)
Scene V
Jester: The Wolf was very upset, but then he saw a house made of sticks.
Big Bad Wolf: Little Pigs! Little Pigs! Open the door and let me in.
First and Second Pigs: It’s again you, Big Bad Wolf?
Big Bad Wolf: Yes. It’s so nice to hear your voice. Open the door.
I want not only to hear you, but also to see my beautiful Little Pigs.
(Вовк повертається до глядачів) Oh! I am very hungry. I want a pig nice and fat.
First and Second Pigs: Go away!
Big Bad Wolf: OK! I’ll puff, and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house down.
Jester: So, The Wolf huffed, and he puffed, and the second house fell down. The Two Little Pigs ran away.
(Поросятка біжать зі сцени.)
Scene VI
Jester: The Wolf was very unhappy and so hungry that he could not even go. Suddenly, he saw a sweet house made of bricks.
(Лунає музика.)
Big Bad Wolf: Little Pigs! Little Pigs! Open the door and let me in.
First and Second And Third Pigs: No, no! Go away, you, Bad Old Mr. Wolf!
We will not let you come in.
Big Bad Wolf: So, I’ll puff, and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house down. And it will be the end of you!
Jester: The Three Little Pigs didn’t open the door. They didn’t let the Wolf in.
(Вовк дує на будиночок.)
Jester: The Wolf huffed and puffed again and again. But he could not blow the brick house down. The brick house was very strong.
And only the door and windows rattled.
(Лунає музика.)
First Pig: Don’t waste your time!
Second Pig: Yes! Go away!
Third Pig: I have made my house of bricks, because work and play don’t mix.
Jester: But The Wolf tried to blow the house down. Then The Three Little Pigs made a big fire in the fireplace. They put on the fire a big pan full of oil.
(Поросятка розпалюють вогнище.)
Jester: The Wolf climbed on the top of the house.
Third Pig: It will be the end of The Big Bad Wolf!!!
Big Bad Wolf: I will have a good supper! I can’t wait any more!
Jester: So, he fell into the pan of hot oil. The Wolf cried with pain.
Big Bad Wolf: Let me out! Let me out! I will not eat you!
I will go away! I will not come back again!
Second Pig: Oh no! A leopard can not change its spots.
First Pig: You are right! We don’t believe you!
(Поросятко підкладає у вогнище дрова.)
Jester: The Third Little Pig put more wood on the fire and The Wolf was burned.
(Вовк помирає.)
Three Little Pigs: The Big Bad Wolf is dead. He will trouble us no more.
Jester: They all danced and sang.
(На сцену виходять всі актори.)
(Лунає заключна пісня “We are not afraid of a Big Bad Wolf”)
The End
Твір на тему: The three Little Pigs
The three Little Pigs